We still have time for a couple more trips to the zoo, and time with friends at the park, but we will soon be visiting the pumpkin patch, and planning for the holidays. Football season is upon us, and we have a new toddler to teach "touchdown!" to. We can take nature walks and visit the observatory. And of course, we have a new baby to prepare for.
As I make my plans and schedules for this fall, I am overwhelmed at the number of choices we already need to make as a family. There are many good things to do, but what is going to be the best for my family and our life goals? Will the things we choose be a benefit and a blessing to their lives? We pray that each of the children will have understand that their relationship with the Lord is the most important thing to cultivate in their life. Are we modeling that for them? Is Christ the center of my life in word and deed?
As I put structure to our days, it's so easy to focus on the children and what they need to be learning and growing in. I am finding it very difficult this year to spend my own time at the foot of the cross, basking in the holiness of my Savior. But that's what I need to be doing. For my own soul's nourishment, and my personal sanity, as well as for my children's benefit of learning from my example. I need to schedule this time, and it needs to be lengthy. If my husband only wanted to spend five minutes with me twice a day I would get pretty upset with him. I need to remember that my relationship with the Lord will take time and effort on my behalf. He has already done the work! He is waiting for me to turn to Him- to run to Him- and immerse myself in His glorious presence. He will transform me in to the kind of woman, wife, and mother I have the greatest desire to be. He will do that work in my life, He will make me whole and holy. He will do all of that, and more than I can ask for or imagine.
So, why am I still sitting here? I have a date with the King!